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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2007

Overpopulation Empty
MessageSujet: Overpopulation   Overpopulation Icon_minitimeMar 27 Fév - 15:56

A tout le monde (population)
The following is from the Letters of The Time Magazine, March 5.

The Human Swarm
As the debate on carbon emissions and climate change heats up, I am amazed that a lot of discussions ignore one of the main causes of environmental degradation: overpopulation.
We have been breeding like locusts, filling every available space and devouring all available resources. The planet simply cannot sustain such population growth, particularly when everyone understandably aspires to a First World lifestyle. Tackling this problem raises difficult moral, ethical and sociological issues. But if we ignore it, the consequences for human kind are unimaginable.

This is what I have been preaching since long time, but have no decent way out to propose.
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Nombre de messages : 207
Age : 65
Date d'inscription : 13/01/2007

Overpopulation Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Overpopulation   Overpopulation Icon_minitimeMar 27 Fév - 16:45

Tradu: this is amazing, just an hour ago I offered an english speaking friend to make "Save the Planet!" a multi-lingual forum. You officially started it: this topic is now officially in english,let's keep it that way, ok?

Overpopulation, then.

This issue was raised by Al Gore in his film "An Unconvenient Truth", and the solution is not terribly complexe, and doesn't necessarily raise any moral issues.

Think of the smoking tobacco issue: how is it being solved?

First campaign for decades about how overpopulation is bad and it's every one's responsability.

Then stop sponsering people for having kids, then tax them if they have kids, then.... make it illegal to make babies in public places!

See? Simple. Very Happy

It's really too bad that I went for the joke (I like it, though!), because in fact I'm serious: I believe it's that simple (except we probably won't have to make it illegal) (let's hope).

A world comission could for instance establish how many people each country can sustain, and then it would be up to each country to try to reach that number. If they don't, they're taxed, if they do, they're sponsered, or awarded.

"Finland: ten points! Portugal: Disquallified!" Very Happy

Sorry, can't help it...
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